
Training für die Kommunikationsprüfung

Workshop für Schüler:innen zur Abivorbereitung mit Samar Syed & Austin Horn, USA

This year’s Kommunikationsprüfung prep workshop will explore various themes such as racism, terrorism, and globalization through riveting analytical discussion and thoughtful, reflective conversations. Workshop participants will be guided through group discussions on topics such as theses mentioned above and should, through these discussions, gain an awareness of those topics’ relevance to their lives.  Model presentations and prompts on relevant topics will be provided. Conversation is key, and there will be plenty of opportunities for everyone to engage.

Anmeldung bis 25.01.: schroeder[at]carl-schurz-haus.de
Eintritt: € 6 (Schüler:innen & Lehrkräfte) / 3 (CSH-Mitglieder)
Veranstaltungssprache: Englisch

Weiterer Termin: 13. Februar 2023, 17-19 Uhr

Mo, 30.Jan.2023 um 17:00
Mo, 30.Jan.2023 um 19:00