
Open Dialog: Virtual Reality

German-American Topics mit Jason Brown

Virtual reality – isn’t that talk of the future? In 50 years when we can slip into a different world as if it were our own? While it may seem like VR is still a distant dream and far from perfection, it has long left its niche in the gaming industry and swept into all forms of everyday life – much more than most will have noticed. VR is used not only in the film industry to generate film-scapes, but it has also found its place in architecture, urban planning, and even trauma and phobia therapy. With all the hope for innovation VR holds, its critics fear desocialization and the uncertain impact it could have on the perception of reality.

Virtual reality is long not a topic of the future anymore, so let’s discuss its current impact and the possibilities of change – structural, social, and cultural – it may hold for our everyday life.

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Veranstaltungssprache: Englisch

Mi, 07.Dez.2022 um 18:30